Spring! The Monti Pisani that this season offer buds and wild herbs great to spice up the daily cooking adn the chef Barattini, offer a spring dish made with wild asparagus. “The idea of this dish is born simply distorting the idea of the classic risotto.” Aurelio says, “I wanted to tend to create a” risotto of home “as the main ingredients used are part of the culinary heritage of Lucca. Not a challenge, nor a comparison of the beloved risotto, but simply further proof that with the products of our land and a bit of imagination, we can afford to dare beyond “the walls”
Bon Appetite Aurelio Barattini
What does it take (for 4 people)
250gr. Spelt
20-25 Asparagus,
1 red onion,
1lt. of meat broth,
80 gr. Lard of the Garfagnana,
40 gr. Parmigiano Reggiano,
Extra Virgin Olive Oil,
How to make
Finely chop the onion and put it in a pan with a little olive oil When will this’ golden brown add the asparagus, cut washers and individuals of the tips that you will put it aside, let it cook for 10 minutes. In frattemo take another pan, ask yourself emmer, a little ‘oil just enough shine and make a slow fire, after about 3 minutes, add a ladle of broth. With the help of a primer or food processor you make the asparagus and onion into a puree that you are going to add the farro along with the tips that you have previously set aside, then add more broth as necessary to cook together. It will take about 20 minutes, when it will be’ almost cooked add the Parmesan cheese and bacon, stir vigorously and serve.
chef Aurelio Barattini c/o Ristorante Antica Locanda di Sesto Via Ludovica, 1660, 55100 Lucca tel. 0583 578181 – info@aureliobarattini.com www.aureliobarattini.com