This great variety of peaches originated around 1880, from a plant accidentally born along the banks of the river Serchio, originated from a core of unknown origin near San Quirico di Moriano, specifically in places overlooking Monte Bonelli. A certain Lorenzo Marsili, local farmer, commonly known as Barella, realized the goodness of the fruit and transplanted it into his garden, began to multiply. As he died the plantation went almost lost; fortunately its advantages were noted by wise neighboring farmers brothers Giuseppe and Cesare Bertini of Fattoria Volpi in Santarlascio (now heirs Gemignani) who reseed just in time some stones taken from the original plant from which sprangin a dozen new plants representeing the founders of the variety. The Mora of Dolfo is a valuable variety of the area Morianese. The fruit, larger than average (10-12 cm diameter), almost spherical, symmetrical in two parts, has a slight hairy skin and silky reflections; a beautiful deep red overcolor, which justifies the name of Mora, is characterized by a creamy yellow base color. The white pulp colored red carmine in contact with the core, represents the most delicious you can take from the fruit of this species. The pulp has a sugar structure, deliquescent, a sweet and sour aroma.
Fruits and Vegetables