cooking classes



Logo Cucina Italiana




The International School of Italian Cuisine was founded in 1985 by the intuition of Professor Nishimura, a great personality of the Japanese cultural world who was awarded by the President of the Italian Republic (Sandro Pertini) as an expert of the Italian culture. For some years the classes are held in the villa on the quiet hills of Vicopelago.

Demonstrations, and consultations at the academies of cuisine and restaurants in Japan, workshops and training courses as a teacher in the United States, collaborations with organizations and associations do not prevent the Italian chef Gianluca Pardini, ambassador of our food culture, to coordinate and attend cooking classes Academy of Vicopelago.

for information: International Academy of Italian Cuisine in Lucca via S. Viticchio, 414 – Vicopelago tel. +39 0583 378071 – +39 347 6787447 – +39 334 1496587 – P.IVA 01117070522


Cucina Padella




Cooking fun to learn the secrets and flavors of the best recipes of Lucca, Garafgnana, Valley of Serchio, with the Chef Aurelio to the Ancient Inn of “sesto” and Samuel to the “Orti di Via Elisa”. A day set by the market or the garden to the kitchen, and finally to the table to enjoy in good company the “work” of the day.

PROGRAM 1 – Lucca: we go to the market to the grocery shopping, we cook, we eat together in one of two restaurants and.. you recive a gift that will make your experience really unforgettable.

PROGRAM 2 – Garfagnana: We visit an old Norcineria tasting the typical cuisine, We have lunch or dinner in one of the two restaurants and… you receive a gift that will make the experience even more memorable.

PROGRAM 3 – Lucca’s hill: we walk in a beautiful olive grove, we cook in the rooms of a traditional oil mill and we tasted what we have prepared, we lunch or dinner in one of the two restaurants… and you receive a gift that will make the experience even more memorable.

– Each program includes a half-day.
– All participants will receive a certificate of participation, recipe menu made​​, apron, hat and so used during the course.
– The course will be taught in English and Italian.
– Each participant has the right to Lunch / Dinner at one of the two restaurants
– Are allowed individual participants or groups.

for information:
Mariarosaria 340 2771914 Gi Orti di Via Elisa
Via Elisa, 17Lucca tel. +39.0583.49.12.41 fax +39.0583.95.80.37


Logo Aurelio Barattini




Traveling in the culinary culture of Lucca with the chef Aurelio Barattini.


Logo Chef Paolo Monti





We cook with the supervision of the chef and then.. all together at the table for a delicious meal made ​​with your own hands! Or ventured into exciting challenges of the kitchen team, test yourself in a cooking show, all at the “Cantina di Carignano”.

for information:visit the website of Italian cuisine!
chef Paolo Monti cell: 3386718641 email:


Logo Toscaneggiando





Sara, Alessandra, Eva. Three young women with the same passion, cuisine: traditional but lively, of Lucca but not only, innovative but not too much, anyway flavorful. The courses are held at home, in their kitchens or in a former convent, for individuals and small groups.

for information: visit the web site Toscaneggiando!