Recipes of integration


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“Tradition is a successful experiment”. The presentation of this book made by the students of the ISI Pertini is a chance to observe the tradizions to their birth.

Students from the same school, school companions, all of them citizens of Lucca and all of them citizens of the world, but with different stories also linked to other countries. Like their stories, even their cooking that they share every year at the end of the school year and now with us!

Inserted within the collateral programming at the Exhibition “Imagined tables” curated by the Architect Mauro Lovi and staged at Palazzo Ducale in the Ammannati Gallery, the presentation of the book will be held Friday, February 2 at 17.30 at the Sala Tobino of the Palazzo Ducale the presentation of the volume Recipes of integration by Gemma Gianini, who assisted the work born within the VB (aa2016-2017) of the Pertini Institute.

Recipes of integration is also the title of the Table set up by Pacini Fazzi publisher in collaboration with the Wine Bar Baccanale by Divinae of Via sant’Andrea which presents in combination the dish “Divergenze” to emphasize the power of diversity and mix.

The volume published by Pacini Fazzi in the series “I Mangiari” presents the result of a multi-ethnic experience lived within the class and resulted in the construction of a volume of recipes typical of the various countries, mirror of the nationalities of the boys who took part to the project. Inserted in the “I Mangiari” series, the book intends to express the search for integration that, by passing through the sharing of food, is able to weld deep cultural fractures.

Participants in the presentation are the Director of the ITT Pertini, Daniela Venturi, the curator Gemma Giannini, the President of the UNESCO Club of Lucca Raffaello Nardi and the Councilor for Commerce and production activities Valentina Mercanti, the manager Confesercenti Lucca Valentina Cesaretti. Numerous associations and organizations that have supported this initiative primarily ISI Pertini and the Provincial Scholastic Office, City of Lucca, Equinozio Association, Villaggio del Fanciullo, cultural center Catholic University of Lucca, Slow Food Lucca Compitese Orti Lucchesi, The Scuolina raggio di sole.